Margie Rowles serves as our Clinical and Utilization Analyst. Margie loves analyzing data to find trends that WMPC and its partners can use to improve outcomes in child welfare. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work from Kuyper College in Grand Rapids, and a Master’s Degree in Social Work from Roberts Wesleyan College in Rochester, NY.
“From day one, Margie has delved into her role and has taken great initiative in understanding the core values of WMPC,” her supervisor said. “She is passionate, knowledgeable, and personable. We’re glad to have her on the team!”
Years in nonprofit – 9.5
Why you wanted to be in this field:
I want to help families develop the tools and skills they need in order to be successful.
What is your role at WMPC? What are your responsibilities in this role?
I am the Clinical and Utilization Analyst. I will work with the private agencies in order to track children in care and work to find solutions to reunify the children.
What do you anticipate being the most rewarding part about your job?
I love data, and I am excited to dig more into our data to find trends. I am also excited to be part of a team that will influence the services that families receive, and will help more families to be successful.
What is one thing you wish people knew about foster care?
I wish people knew that families who have their children placed in foster care are not ‘bad’ parents, but parents who are going through some tough times.
How has your experience in the nonprofit sector changed your perspective?
My experience has encouraged me to look at each person as an individual and to get to know what is going on with them. I’ve learned to realize that most parents want what’s best for their children, but they don’t necessarily have the knowledge or means to provide this.
What is your hope for WMPC and the Kent County foster care system?
My hope is that the WMPC can focus more of their efforts on preventative and reunification services.